Cannabidiol and drug tests – What is CBD?
Quest Diagnostics has some information, that may help you answer this question and many more. Please read the entire story here.
Quest Diagnostics has some information, that may help you answer this question and many more. Please read the entire story here.
Navigating the complexities of DOT regulations is difficult, complex and requires countless staff hours. Bio-Med is here to assist employers in the administration of their random testing programs to keep DOT compliance as seamless as possible. Our services include managing the random testing pool, specimen collections, policy consultation, driver history checks and supervisor training, etc.
Denver led the charge on decriminalizing Marijuana, are psychedelic mushrooms (magic mushrooms) next? Denver is trying to get a measure on their ballot this year, and Oregon is working on getting it on their ballot in 2020. Could this be the new trend? Finding ways to decriminalize stage 1 drugs? How do we protect our…
If you aren’t testing your employees, you’re probably losing money. Estimates are that a single drug using employee costs his employer between $9,000 and $21,000 per year. The cost to enroll one employee in a random testing program in our system is less than $100 per year.*
Click here for a fascinating article about marijuana’s link to mental disorders.
The Clearinghouse will improve highway safety by helping employers, FMCSA, State Driver Licensing Agencies, and State law enforcement to quickly and efficiently identify drivers who are not legally permitted to operate commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) due to drug and alcohol program violations. This secure online database will provide access to real-time information, ensuring that drivers…
Cannabis affects addiction processes in the adolescent brain Released: 8/27/2013 6:15 AM EDT Source Newsroom: Universite de Montreal more news from this source Newswise — NEW YORK AND MONTREAL, AUGUST 27, 2013 – The nature of the teenage brain makes users of cannabis amongst this population particularly at risk of developing addictive behaviors and suffering other…
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