Potential for Heart Attack, Stroke Risk Seen with Marijuana Use
Click here to be directed to LA Times article reporting on government tracking data that links marijuana use to heart attack and stroke.
Click here to be directed to LA Times article reporting on government tracking data that links marijuana use to heart attack and stroke.
While teen drug use is down, pot use is up and so are overexposure cases Click here to be redirected to the KATU article with an interview with Dr. Matthew Noble, MD.
The slightly satirical article linked below contains a list of horrific and absurd cases of incidents related to MDPV, AKA “bath salts.” Some of the content is graphic and adult themed. The article demonstrates the danger of this trending designer drug. In 2011, poison control centers logged more than 61oo emergencies related to bath salts,…
If you aren’t testing your employees, you’re probably losing money. Estimates are that a single drug using employee costs his employer between $9,000 and $21,000 per year. The cost to enroll one employee in a random testing program in our system is less than $100 per year.*
Cannabis affects addiction processes in the adolescent brain Released: 8/27/2013 6:15 AM EDT Source Newsroom: Universite de Montreal more news from this source Newswise — NEW YORK AND MONTREAL, AUGUST 27, 2013 – The nature of the teenage brain makes users of cannabis amongst this population particularly at risk of developing addictive behaviors and suffering other…
The tragic hot-air balloon crash on January 9, 2012, in Carterton, New Zealand took the lives of all 11 people on board. A statement just issued by the Transport Accident Investigation Commission state that toxicology reports reveal that the balloon pilot had cannabis in his system at the time of the crash. Despite numerous incidents…
Denver led the charge on decriminalizing Marijuana, are psychedelic mushrooms (magic mushrooms) next? Denver is trying to get a measure on their ballot this year, and Oregon is working on getting it on their ballot in 2020. Could this be the new trend? Finding ways to decriminalize stage 1 drugs? How do we protect our…
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