Potential for Heart Attack, Stroke Risk Seen with Marijuana Use
Click here to be directed to LA Times article reporting on government tracking data that links marijuana use to heart attack and stroke.
Click here to be directed to LA Times article reporting on government tracking data that links marijuana use to heart attack and stroke.
With the rising tide liberalization of marijuana laws, it’s vital that we understand that marijuana is not innocuous. The link below will direct to a page with 150 links to scientific studies that demonstrate the various risks of marijuana use. Click here to be taken to the page.
In a landmark decision issued on January 23rd, the US Court of Appeals rejected a petition to consider the Federal reclassification of marijuana from a Schedule I substance in the Control Substance Act. You can read the text of the decision here. You can read an NBC News article about the decision here. What this…
Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 12/03/2012 10:53 AM EST DOT OFFICE OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY AND COMPLIANCE NOTICE Recently, some states passed initiatives to permit use of marijuana for so-called “recreational” purposes. We have had several inquiries about whether these state initiatives will have an impact upon the Department of Transportation’s longstanding…
Click here for a fascinating article about marijuana’s link to mental disorders.
If you aren’t testing your employees, you’re probably losing money. Estimates are that a single drug using employee costs his employer between $9,000 and $21,000 per year. The cost to enroll one employee in a random testing program in our system is less than $100 per year.*
A new synthetic (“designer”) drug has recently emerged, a powerful hallucinogen nicknamed “25I.” Commonly described as a “synthetic LSD,” this powerful synthetic has already claimed the lives of several young people, most recently, a 21 year old festival goer in New Orleans. Read about that overdose death here. Very little is known about this substance, technically…
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