Misconception about CBD use.
A School Employee Was Assured He Could Use a CBD Tincture and Still Pass a Drug Test. He Didn’t.
His story is a dramatic example of a widespread misconception.
Read the Willamette Week story here.
His story is a dramatic example of a widespread misconception.
Read the Willamette Week story here.
Department of Transportation sent this bulletin at 12/03/2012 10:53 AM EST DOT OFFICE OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL POLICY AND COMPLIANCE NOTICE Recently, some states passed initiatives to permit use of marijuana for so-called “recreational” purposes. We have had several inquiries about whether these state initiatives will have an impact upon the Department of Transportation’s longstanding…
Is it candy or cannabis? Oregon Poison Center says more kids are mistaking edibles for common household snacks Click here to be directed to the KPTV story, including comments from our own MRO Dr. Matthew Noble, MD.
Click here to be directed to LA Times article reporting on government tracking data that links marijuana use to heart attack and stroke.
Quest Diagnostics has some information, that may help you answer this question and many more. Please read the entire story here.
Denver led the charge on decriminalizing Marijuana, are psychedelic mushrooms (magic mushrooms) next? Denver is trying to get a measure on their ballot this year, and Oregon is working on getting it on their ballot in 2020. Could this be the new trend? Finding ways to decriminalize stage 1 drugs? How do we protect our…
Are you concerned about how to address prescription drug abuse in the workplace? The misuse of prescription drugs (psychotherapeutics) is at epidemic proportions in the US. Current data indicate that we produce enough hydrocodone and oxycodone per year in this county to supply every citizen with 24 tabs of hydrocodone and 40 tabs of oxycodone.
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