Longview school bus driver arrested on suspicion of DUI
Longview, WA. On Thursday afternoon (September 12th, 2019) a School Bus Driver was arrested on suspicion of driving a school bus while under the influence. See the entire Fox12 story here.
Longview, WA. On Thursday afternoon (September 12th, 2019) a School Bus Driver was arrested on suspicion of driving a school bus while under the influence. See the entire Fox12 story here.
A School Employee Was Assured He Could Use a CBD Tincture and Still Pass a Drug Test. He Didn’t. His story is a dramatic example of a widespread misconception. Read the Willamette Week story here.
Navigating the complexities of DOT regulations is difficult, complex and requires countless staff hours. Bio-Med is here to assist employers in the administration of their random testing programs to keep DOT compliance as seamless as possible. Our services include managing the random testing pool, specimen collections, policy consultation, driver history checks and supervisor training, etc.
Cannabis affects addiction processes in the adolescent brain Released: 8/27/2013 6:15 AM EDT Source Newsroom: Universite de Montreal more news from this source Newswise — NEW YORK AND MONTREAL, AUGUST 27, 2013 – The nature of the teenage brain makes users of cannabis amongst this population particularly at risk of developing addictive behaviors and suffering other…
Are you concerned about how to address prescription drug abuse in the workplace? The misuse of prescription drugs (psychotherapeutics) is at epidemic proportions in the US. Current data indicate that we produce enough hydrocodone and oxycodone per year in this county to supply every citizen with 24 tabs of hydrocodone and 40 tabs of oxycodone.
The safeness of marijuana when compared to alcohol has become front and center since the President’s comment comparing the two. Here’s an article from USA Today that gives the two sides of the debate from a medical perspective. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/20/marijuana-more-dangerous-alcohol-president-obama/4660555/
Oregon is no longer the ‘most-stoned’ workforce in the nation. However, it is not from a decline in use in the state, but instead due to increasing use in other states. According to The Quest Diagnostics Drug Testing Index™, a comprehensive analysis of workforce drug use trends released April 11th, 2019. See the full story…
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